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Las Cuevas Hotel
Las Cuevas Hotel
Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus
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from 59.00 €/night
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Mean annual temperature in coastal areas ranges between 24 and 26o C (75 and 79o F). Annual average rainfall in the southern coast goes from 800 to 1000 mm (31 to 39 in), reaching higher values near the mountains, 1000 to 1200 mm (39 to 47 in).
In the mountainous zone of Trinidad the climate is variable due to rough relief. Towards lower mountains, the average temperature fluctuates between 16 and 18o C (61 and 64o F) over 900 m (2952 ft) of height, between 18 and 20o C (64 and 68o F) in altitudes from 600 to 900 m (1968 to 2952 ft), and between 20 and 22o C (68 and 72o F) below 600 m(1968 ft). Rainfall behaves in the same way.
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